Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pretty excited about this!

I hope you can wrap your mind around what I'm about to write because if you do it will blow your mind...well it blew mine at least.

So I'm studying Romans 8 right now and this morning I got this thought: "Grace leads to conviction then repentance; guilt leads to condemnation". I thought it was pretty sweet but I felt like it had more meaning to it, I just didn't know what it was. So about an hour ago I was thinking about and the Lord absolutely blew my mind...I was so excited I almost peed myself!
Romans 8 says "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." so when we feel condemned or guilty it's not's a figment of our's all smoke and mirrors!!! As a Christian, when we feel condemned we are being held captive by an idea that ISN'T EVEN REAL and can never be real because in Christ there is NO condemnation!!! This really did blow my mind! I hope it blows your too!

To God be the Glory!

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