Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So it's 90 degrees right now in the Ville and like 3 days ago it was 45 degrees...what the heck?!? Since I've been home I've got to do and see some things that people could only see in the Ville...
1. Saw a lady stand in front of a car yelling "I know you slept with her Chris! I'm not moving until you admit it!"-HILARIOUS!!!
2. Saw 4 mullets in the grocery store at once!!! It was awesome, I tried to get a pic of each one but it didnt work out haha
3. Got to spend the day with Sabs, it was fun to spend time with her!
4. Got to hear my dad tell some sweet his sense of humor!
5. Got to eat dinner with the, dad, me, danny and of course zane haha
6. Had a 2 hour convo with my grandma about theology!
7. Slept in my bed...I LOVE MY BED AT HOME!!!
8. Got to talk about the J-man with my fam! Good times!
9. Got to rest!
So that's just a short summary of my time in the Ville...if you've never been you should come check it out! Sabs and Dan love visitors!!! haha

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Since everyone else is doing it...

I feel like every person I know is writing blogs so I decided to jump on the bandwagon as well...ok, that's not entirely true. Writing is the way that I process my thoughts and since I am getting ready to graduate(hopefully) and go through some significant changes in my life I figured 'why not let everyone in on my struggles'! Haha...I hope you will find this enjoyable and fun to read...if not you can keep your opinion to yourself jk...kind-of ;)

So, my title "Because you're Worthy" comes from a song that my brother (Daniel) wrote about a year ago and it's one of my favorite songs. The chorus of the song goes like this:

"Because you're Worthy,
and I am worthless.
Because you'll save me,
out of this mess.
Because the trials,
bring me closer to your arms.
And it's where I belong."

The words of the chorus are amazing and I love listening to my brother sing it! I Love lyrics that make me think and these definitely do...