Saturday, May 29, 2010

LP-"Guardin' hearts and taking names"

I have been in Myrtle Beach for a little over a week and I am really enjoying LP! If you would have told me last year that I would be back here and that I would be liking it I would have told you that you were crazy! Haha But God is a funny guy and he really does have such a better plan for my life then I think I have for myself!

I have been so encouraged by all the Western girls, my prayer for them is that no matter what position they are in that they would lead out in vulnerability and that they would continue to see God as being bigger and better then they did the day before! I have been hearing great things from all of the people who have spent time around the Western crew and it makes me so excited to think about the things that the Lord is going to do through them! The girls are in such better place then I was in last summer and they seem willing to do whatever it takes to know more of God. They have a hunger to know the word and I've been hearing them intentionally talk about the Lord to people that they have known for a very short amount of time, this makes my heart happy! God has created so many of the Western girls to be leaders, I just don't think that they know exactly what that means... I'm so excited to see them grow in that this summer! God is doing big things at Western and he's going to do even bigger things through these! :)

God gave me 2 amazing girls to lead this summer and even though we are still figuring each other out, the more I learn about them the more God grows my heart for them! I feel like I'm going to learn so much from these girls and it's really encouraging for me to see them fighting their sin and pushing me to do the same. I am being led by Ash, because she was my roommate all last year I thought it might be weird but it's been great. The other 2 team leaders (Jessi & Jennifer) are in a D-group with me and our room has been super fun so far! I'm excited to learn from girls who are different from me and to be challenged in ways that are new to me. I don't know if it's me but I really feel like this summer is so different from last summer! I know that my attitude this year is very different but the students and the entire atmosphere of the project just seem so different to me! People are wanting to get to know students from other schools and almost everyone is outside together every night, not because they feel like they are obligated to, but because they want to! It's great to be able to experience this and to be apart of a community that wants to know more of the Lord and wants other people to do the same!

I've been given the privilege of leading Worship for the summer, last Sunday was the first all praise and worship night. We totally wrecked one song but besides that it went pretty well. My prayer is that God would teach me how to lead people into worshiping him and that I would not become prideful in my position. That's an update for now, more to come!!!


  1. reading this brings joy to my heart, more than you know. It's so good to hear they, and you of course, are doing so well! :) :) :)
