Thursday, August 19, 2010

Drops Like Stars

Drops Like Stars is a book written by Rob Bell. Most people have mixed feelings about the other books he has written, some people really like him while other people don't believe that he speaks complete truth, but this book, in my opinion, is awesome! It might simply be because of where I am in life right now but reading this book has been so good for me. The book is very easy to read, it took me a little more than an hour to read it and reading is definitely not a strong point of mine.
These are some of my favorite quotes from the book:
-"If we aren't careful, our success and security and abundance can lead to a certain sort of boredom, a numbing predictability, a paralyzing indifference that comes from being too comfortable" (p.38).
-"Pain is a way of making us more honest" (p.43).
-"The first Christian insisted that when Jesus died on the cross, this wasn't just another execution by the Roman Empire. They believed this was divine, in flesh and blood, hanging there on the cross, bloody, thirsty, suffering. A God who isn't somewhere else-remote, detached, distant-but among us, feeling what we feel, aching how we ache, suffering like us" (p.66).
-"There is an extraordinary, beautiful art to knowing what to take away" (p.88).
-"You can own something and not possess it. You can possess something and not own it" (p.94).

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