Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jonathan Acuff is my hero...after Jesus of course!

Recently a friend told me about a book called 'Stuff Christians Like' and if you have any sense of humor at all you will enjoy this book! I know that this book has been blogged about recently but it deserves more than one!
These are some of my favorite things from the book
-Breaking up with your small group-p.20
-Having a spiritual excuse not to have a spiritual discipline-p.28
-Developing subtle signals to let people know you're a Christian-p.32
-Feeling slightly disappointed when someone accepts our fake offer of generosity-p.45
-Using "let me pray about it" as a euphemism for "no"-p.60
-The metrosexual worship leader-p.80, there is also a scoring system to see just how metro a worship leader is hahaha
-Raising our hands in worship-p.87-90, this one might be my favorite because it lists 5 common types of hand raising!!!
-Finding typos in the worship music-p.97
-Losing the will to clap during song-p.100
-Mid-prayer music that materializes out of nowhere-p.107
-Telling testimonies that are exciting right up until the moment you became a Christian-p.125
-Encouraging the downtrodden by reminding them, "God doesn't promise us an easy life"-p.129
-Giving out tracts instead of Halloween candy-p.142
-Dominating the "please turn to..." Bible race at church-p.152
-Judging people that use the table on contents in their bible-p.159
-Sprinting to your car after church-p.165
-Side hugs-p.181
-Temporarily suspending our faith when we get behind the wheel-p.184
-Throwing the devil under the bus for everything-p.184
-Confessing 'safe sins'-p.193
-Guilt Trips-p.198
This book is a must read!!!


  1. are welcome!
    such a great book!

  2. This post is all because of you Carrie!!! Only a magnificent woman of God could have showed me a book this amazing!!!
