Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mowing the Lawn

Today while I was mowing the lawn the Lord gave me a convicting/brilliant thought. Just to rewind a little bit, I am now co-leading a small group of 6 high school girls who attend NewSpring's youth ministry called "Fuse". There are a couple girls that seem to really want to learn more about the Lord but the rest of them don't seem that interested. Last Tuesday the lady who has been leading these girls for a while now asked me if I wanted to lead small group for this week. I felt really privileged that she asked me and I definitely accepted. Over the past few weeks I've been trying to figure out which one of these girls was going to step up and be a leader for the group...actually, I thought "Why have none of these girls stepped up yet?"
Today I was thinking about that same thing when the Lord brought some names to my mind: Moses, David and Peter. These men were incredible leaders during their time but it wasn't because they were big time leaders before God called them, they were great leaders because they allowed God to lead them. They were not special before God called them but these men didn't rely on their leadership abilities, or their sense of humor, or their athletic abilities (this is where it got convicting) they relied on the Lord...they were desperate for him.
Being a leader has very little to do with how well you lead, rather, it's mostly about how well you follow.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously miss mowing the lawn, and the smell of fresh cut grass. Must be one of those hippie things. :)
