Thursday, October 20, 2011


Entitlement: The fact of having a right to something.

Lately when people feel entitled to something it really pisses me off. When someone feels entitled it means they're only thinking about themselves. Entitlement=Pride, and pride messed everything up in the first place. It bothers me so much because I see it in myself all the time. I feel entitled at work, around my friends, at church, with my family and most of all with God. I don't see His gifts as blessings because I feel like I have a right to those things. I overlook the amazing things He gives me daily...I ask God for more when I should be thanking Him. I have a hard time seeing God as good because most days I can't see past myself.

Lord, you are good! Remove anything that would keep me from seeing and hearing you. Thank you for being so patient with me and for proving to me that you love me everyday! You're a good Dad!

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