Sunday, October 9, 2011

Glorifying God

I recently had a conversation that went something like this:
Person 1: I'm not sure if what I'm being taught is right, the other day someone was telling me that if you're not trying to glorify God in everything you do then you're wrong.
Me: that doesn't sit right with my spirit (thinking: but I don't know what's wrong about it)
Person 1: yeah, I don't know.
Thankfully after a wicked-awesome sermon, talking with some people and praying for that person, that next morning the Lord revealed something really awesome to me.

Glorifying God is simply walking in who he created you to be.

By "trying" to glorify God you're striving, and striving to please God is working in disguise. We can't work to please God so "trying" to glorify God is not what He wants, he just wants us to walk in the identity he has given us. If we do that glorifying Him will pour out of us as the result.
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