Monday, October 25, 2010

...good stuff from the J-man...

So I really love the weather right after it rains. Not when it's muggy, hot and the ground is saturated but when there is a cool breeze, it's around dinner time and the ground is damp. I was just outside with Riley and it just rained but the weather was ideal! The sky was painted with a bunch of different blues, pinks and purples and there were tons of clouds making different shapes and figures in the sky. I wanted to post a picture, but a picture wasn't able to capture it fully. It's so amazing to me that God would create something so beautiful that is, for the most part, for our enjoyment. I'm not very good at science or astronomy or anything like that but I'm pretty sure God didn't have to make the sky look so beautiful for it to serve it's purpose. I was thinking about how many other things God has created mostly for our enjoyment and there are a ton of things! Everything in nature has been created in a way that is absolutely gorgeous, sure it serves a purpose but most people simply enjoy it. For the last hour I've really been in awe of God's goodness, he continues to provide me with so many things when the only thing I deserve is Hell. He is a great guy!!!

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