Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Over the past couple days I have been realizing how self absorbed we are as a World. In the last week I watched a woman at the bank flip out on the teller because he asked her to wait a second so he could finish a transaction he had already started, I heard someone complain about having a job that, for most people, is a dream job and I watched a woman become so worked-up because she was worried about what people would think of her for having ink on her hands. As I was in the car thinking about these things it made me mad, I wondered why the lady at the bank felt like it was ok to say the mean things she said and I wondered how someone could actually complain about living a life that some people would kill for! All of this time that I have wasted judging people and thinking bad of them when I should have been broken over my own selfishness! So I guess I'm writing this as more of a confession; I don't see people the way that God sees them, I don't love people like I should, I have a hard time being patient with people and I think that I have people figured out before I really know them. I'm sorry.

Lord, I confess that I am not a compassionate person, I don't treat people right and I don't see them like you do. I've only cared about myself for so long I'm not sure how to behave any different, trying to change myself has just turned me into a legalistic Pharisee. Your word says change comes from a transformed mind, so God, I pray that you would uproot any lies or half-truths that I believe and I pray that you would help me understand things from your Word so that I can replace my false beliefs with truth. I need You, not something you created. Lord, thanks for not giving up on me, for allowing me to see that you are jealous for those you've chosen. I love you.

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