Monday, April 19, 2010


So for D-group Swayne and I put up a circus tent for my boy Krieg and Cat sent us this pic and it's so awesome I felt it best to share it with everyone haha

Have a Great Day!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Almost over!

We have 2 weeks of school left before our exams start and then I will be done with school! I'm having very mixed feelings about this so when people ask me if I'm excited to graduate I don't really know what to say. On one hand, I'm so stoked to be finished with school, I know it sounds bad but I have NEVER liked school and I am super excited to be done with it! On the other hand, I am extremely sad about leaving people that I love. I was talking to Ash not too long ago and I was telling her how jealous I am that she is going to get to watch the young girls in the ministry grow until they all graduate. The Lord has given me such a heart for these girls and I'm so encouraged when I see them pushing themselves and each other to know more of God. I have seen these girls grow SO much in such a short amount of time and I cant wait to see what the Lord is going to do with each of them this summer! Most of them are going to the LP but even the girls that are not are still doing some form of missions work and I know God's going to do big things through them!

Lately, I have learned so much from some of the freshman girls, they have been amazing examples of what it means to be vulnerable with people and they have this relentless desire to fight sin that has made me re-evaluate the way I look at sin. These girls love God and by being apart of their lives they have pushed and challenged me to know Him more and I'm so thankful for each one of them!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Arts & Crafts

These are some of the things that ppl made me for my birthday...they are great!

My friends are so great! The poem is an original, the second pic it pretty much my t-mony (baller I know!), I really love spider monkeys, like I want one as a pet real bad hahaha, the verse is bad-a, I love the last pic more and more every time I look at it!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So yesterday I turned 23...I don't know why but I feel like it's so much older than 22! haha I know it isn't but when people have asked me how old I am now I have to pause a second before I say it! Is it possible to go through a mid-life crisis at 23? Besides the fact that Im kind-of spazzing out about my age, my birthday was GREAT!!!

So I LOVE when people make things for me, pictures, drawings, crafts...anything and I most of my friends made something fun for me this year and I FREAKING LOVED EVERYTHING!!! The first baller thing someone made me was given to me on Thursday night during D-group so it was like my birthday started on Thursday! Since then Ive got to see the creative side of all my friends and they're super talented and thoughtful! To go along with that, they threw me another surprise party at Lake Junaluska last night and I had an amazing time! There were about 16 or 17 girls that came, we hung out and played some was so fun! I cant even begin to explain how much it meant to me that all these people would sacrifice so much to make my birthday so special! Thanking them just doesnt seem like it's even close to being enough!

On the same note my roommate is awesome! I don't know how she devised this plan but she started sending me stuff in the mail Monday and she told me to keep checking it everyday until Thursday! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!? It's kind-of like my birthday has lasted an entire week!!!

I really do have the best friends ever and I'm extremely thankful for them!!! They mean a lot to me!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Oh Shoot!

I have the most amazing friends and family! I know everyone says that but they are wrong because I really do! Dan and Sabs (dad and mom) drove up from the Ville Friday night because my birthday is Monday and they wanted to spend some time with me. They had been planning a surprise party for me, with a lot of help from my roommate. I honestly had no idea, normally I can pick up on little things that people do but no one gave the surprise away!
Afterwords softball was playing so we went to watch their 2 games. Katie played GREAT and I was super stoked because she got her first win of the season. She's been throwing so awesome but until yesterday the team just hadnt been able to help her out to get a win. So it was really cool to see the team and Katie get a win, it was also great to get a free sonic blast! At the softball games if someone from our team hits a homerun they pass out 'free sonic blast' coupons and one of the girl jacked one out in the second game so it was a nice treat!
Well, have a great rest of the day! Later!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Great video!!!

I saw this the other day and its pretty stinkin sweet!!! You should totally watch it!!!


Have a wonderful day in the Lord! :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cheesy Pick-up lines

Some of my favs that make me laugh alot!!!

-"I may not be DQ, but I could treat you right."
-"If you were a new hamburger at McDonald's, you would be a McGorgeous."
-"You must be tired 'cause you've been running through my mind all day!"
-"How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice..."
-"If I was peter pan you would be my happy thought."

Have a great day!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Ezekiel 36:26-27- "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws."

I know that I cant change people's hearts but lately I've wanted to...

Over the last few months I've had to watch a couple people that I love make big decisions that will drastically change their lives. In each situation the wrong choice has been made. I feel like they should be able to see that this is not what God wants for them but, then again, I'm on the outside looking in and things are always so much clearer from that angle. I know that nothing I say or do can really change their hearts or minds but most days I wish that I could. I've talked to them the best I know how and I've prayed and will continue to pray for them but each day I'm watching them move further away from God and it's changing everything about them. I care about these people more than they know, probably too much sometimes, and I would never want them to hurt or feel pain but I know that those are the only things that can come from the choices they've made. I know because I've lived them both out, I've lived out trying to please my flesh rather than trying to please God and nothing good comes from that, nothing good can come from that.

My intent for writing this was not for people to feel bad for me so if you've started to please don't and I also didn't write this because I want this to be a topic of conversation. I'm apologize if that sounds harsh but I just wanted to make those things clear. I did, however, write this because it would be great if whoever reads this would pray that I would really believe that God's in control these things. I know that he is, I'm just having a hard time believing it right now. Thanks.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Pretty much the only girls at Webster today! Haha
Today was another beautiful day in the Whee so that made Easter even sweeter! Here are some baller verses to look over and think about:
-Colossians 1:19-20
-Matthew 28:5-6
-Isaiah 53
-Revelation 5:12
-1 Peter 1:18-21
-Mark 10:45

Have a wonderful rest of the day!!!

"This is the God of the gospel of grace. A God who, out of love for us, sent the only Son he ever had wrapped in our skin. He learned how to walk, stumbled and fell, cried for His milk, sweated blood in the night, was lashed with a whip and showered with spit, was fixed to a cross, and died whispering forgiveness on us all."
-Brennen Manning

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Caitlin is a Terrorist

So my good friend Caitlin Williams and I decided that we were going to go to her church in SC to hear an Easter sermon, since I'm a fan of spontaneity and Jesus I was pretty stoked to go! The service didn't start until 4 but we left early so we could go to a festival her town was having. On our way to the festival we drove past Caitlin's house and it was awesome! She has tons of land and horses in her front yard!!!
When we got to the festival there were tons of booths set up and each one was selling some sort of craft, I noticed that most of the crafts involved animals in some way, shape or form. Once we left we realized we were going to have to get to the church fast if we wanted to make it in time to hear the sermon...this is where it gets interesting!
Well we make it to the church with like ten minutes to spare but we had to change because we wore athletic shorts to the festival (it was like 85 degrees so it was great thinking on Caitlin's part). Once we got changed we still had about 5 minutes before the service started and as we were making our way into the auditorium a man came up behind us and asked us if we had ever been there before, I said no but Caitlin told him yeah. I was thinking he was going to be nice and greet us...wrong! haha He told us that they had a rule at there church that you couldn't bring back-packs in and that we needed to go put them in our car! I thought he was joking at first but he definitely wasn't so we walked back to the car to put our bags up and then we were aloud in the church! We found out later that a Militia group had bomb a big church earlier this year and that's why they were taking those precautions. So I'm pretty sure they thought Caitlin was a terrorist and that's why we had to go put up our bags!!! haha But really I've never been kicked out of a church before so that was a new one for me!
After the service we went and had dinner at Mellow Mushroom with her brother Adam who is a pretty funny guy, Caitlin and him together are a riot! After dinner we all went to Spill the Beans for ice cream and again it was super fun! Overall the day was awesome, I got to hear about the J-man and hang out with some great people too!

Caitlin stopped and reversed on the highway so I could take this picture!!! hahaha

Friday, April 2, 2010

Random Thoughts

Cullowhee is beautiful! One of my favorite things about Western is how pretty it is in the spring, the school does an amazing job with landscaping and makes the campus look gorgeous! Today might be the prettiest day of the year so far so I decided to go for a run(running in pretty weather makes me forget about how I feel like I'm gonna die! haha). After my run, which didn't last long, I still wanted to play outside so I walked around the campus for another hour and a half and while I was walking I had some random, yet brilliant thoughts...
The first thought I had was, how come people leave such cool things laying around? I found 3 golf balls, 1 tennis ball, a CD, a key chain and a frisbee...pretty awesome stuff?!? My second thought was that I love Cullowhee when there arn't tons of people here. Right now we are on spring break and most people are at home so Western looks kind-of like a ghost town but it's really cool because there are no crazy drunk kids running around all the time. Another thing I love about being one of the only people at school is it's really quiet and peaceful, I can go anywhere on campus and I'm able to think or pray and I get to spend time with the Lord and not have other people around me! It's pretty ballin!
As I was sitting beside the river I had my third thought, God makes amazing things and he allows me to be a part of them! Even though this was something that I already knew, it's something that I really take for granted! But I was absolutely captivated by that thought today and really astounded with how great God is. I heard a sermon last weekend and the phrase "Don't forget about Jesus this week" was said a couple times and it stuck with me. I think because we cant fully understand the magnitude of what Christ did we go throughout the week before Easter and we just live it out like it's any other week, when in actuality, it's so far from 'just any other week'! It's been really cool that I've been able to see that and really enjoy the Lord and the things he's created! This is one of the pictures I took of the river today...

The last thought I had made me laugh and apparently made other people laugh as well...I came to the conclusion that I want to be a hippie! Random, I know but I really do! I want dreads so bad, and you might be thinking 'Eww, gross' but they are not gross unless you don't take care of them and I plan on taking care of them! The only thing holding me back is the fact that I would have to shave my head to get them out and I don't think that look would be best for me, haha. I also have the desire to travel around for a year, I would love to hitch hike everywhere but that could get kind-of dangerous. It would be so great to just pick up and go whenever you want. Of course, I would need a sidekick because all great adventures start with partners...Batman and Robin, Mickey and Minnie, Bert and Ernie, Jack and Jill, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Bill and Hillary, Mario and Luigi, Thelma and Louise, the list could go on for days! So I guess I need to find a partner in crime before I can become a real hippie! If any of those thoughts strike your interest just let me know! Have a great day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New tunes

I love music...and lately Ive been obsessed with Ben Harper. I mean, I really like all of his songs! Well last night I was talking about my new found obsession with his music and I was advised to spend at least 30 minutes looking up Justin Bieber's I did and I have come to the conclusion that he is a male version of JoJo. If you dont remember JoJo she was very popular a couple years ago when she was about 14 or 15. I was not a fan of her music, Oh yes, her songs were catchy but I was disturbed at the fact that she sang about marrying some dude when she wasnt even old enough to get a permit! I think that I might enjoy Justin's music once he reaches puberty...maybe not though haha.
If anyone has any suggestions to new artists or songs I would love to check them out, Thanks! Holla!