Monday, April 5, 2010


Ezekiel 36:26-27- "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws."

I know that I cant change people's hearts but lately I've wanted to...

Over the last few months I've had to watch a couple people that I love make big decisions that will drastically change their lives. In each situation the wrong choice has been made. I feel like they should be able to see that this is not what God wants for them but, then again, I'm on the outside looking in and things are always so much clearer from that angle. I know that nothing I say or do can really change their hearts or minds but most days I wish that I could. I've talked to them the best I know how and I've prayed and will continue to pray for them but each day I'm watching them move further away from God and it's changing everything about them. I care about these people more than they know, probably too much sometimes, and I would never want them to hurt or feel pain but I know that those are the only things that can come from the choices they've made. I know because I've lived them both out, I've lived out trying to please my flesh rather than trying to please God and nothing good comes from that, nothing good can come from that.

My intent for writing this was not for people to feel bad for me so if you've started to please don't and I also didn't write this because I want this to be a topic of conversation. I'm apologize if that sounds harsh but I just wanted to make those things clear. I did, however, write this because it would be great if whoever reads this would pray that I would really believe that God's in control these things. I know that he is, I'm just having a hard time believing it right now. Thanks.

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