Sunday, April 18, 2010

Almost over!

We have 2 weeks of school left before our exams start and then I will be done with school! I'm having very mixed feelings about this so when people ask me if I'm excited to graduate I don't really know what to say. On one hand, I'm so stoked to be finished with school, I know it sounds bad but I have NEVER liked school and I am super excited to be done with it! On the other hand, I am extremely sad about leaving people that I love. I was talking to Ash not too long ago and I was telling her how jealous I am that she is going to get to watch the young girls in the ministry grow until they all graduate. The Lord has given me such a heart for these girls and I'm so encouraged when I see them pushing themselves and each other to know more of God. I have seen these girls grow SO much in such a short amount of time and I cant wait to see what the Lord is going to do with each of them this summer! Most of them are going to the LP but even the girls that are not are still doing some form of missions work and I know God's going to do big things through them!

Lately, I have learned so much from some of the freshman girls, they have been amazing examples of what it means to be vulnerable with people and they have this relentless desire to fight sin that has made me re-evaluate the way I look at sin. These girls love God and by being apart of their lives they have pushed and challenged me to know Him more and I'm so thankful for each one of them!

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