Saturday, April 3, 2010

Caitlin is a Terrorist

So my good friend Caitlin Williams and I decided that we were going to go to her church in SC to hear an Easter sermon, since I'm a fan of spontaneity and Jesus I was pretty stoked to go! The service didn't start until 4 but we left early so we could go to a festival her town was having. On our way to the festival we drove past Caitlin's house and it was awesome! She has tons of land and horses in her front yard!!!
When we got to the festival there were tons of booths set up and each one was selling some sort of craft, I noticed that most of the crafts involved animals in some way, shape or form. Once we left we realized we were going to have to get to the church fast if we wanted to make it in time to hear the sermon...this is where it gets interesting!
Well we make it to the church with like ten minutes to spare but we had to change because we wore athletic shorts to the festival (it was like 85 degrees so it was great thinking on Caitlin's part). Once we got changed we still had about 5 minutes before the service started and as we were making our way into the auditorium a man came up behind us and asked us if we had ever been there before, I said no but Caitlin told him yeah. I was thinking he was going to be nice and greet us...wrong! haha He told us that they had a rule at there church that you couldn't bring back-packs in and that we needed to go put them in our car! I thought he was joking at first but he definitely wasn't so we walked back to the car to put our bags up and then we were aloud in the church! We found out later that a Militia group had bomb a big church earlier this year and that's why they were taking those precautions. So I'm pretty sure they thought Caitlin was a terrorist and that's why we had to go put up our bags!!! haha But really I've never been kicked out of a church before so that was a new one for me!
After the service we went and had dinner at Mellow Mushroom with her brother Adam who is a pretty funny guy, Caitlin and him together are a riot! After dinner we all went to Spill the Beans for ice cream and again it was super fun! Overall the day was awesome, I got to hear about the J-man and hang out with some great people too!

Caitlin stopped and reversed on the highway so I could take this picture!!! hahaha


  1. I'm so jealous!!!! I want to see Caitlin's farm so bad! But, again, how is any of this my fault?

  2. You would have loved it dude! She tried to get me to pet the horses but I said no haha...and just take it, it's your fault! :)
