Friday, April 2, 2010

Random Thoughts

Cullowhee is beautiful! One of my favorite things about Western is how pretty it is in the spring, the school does an amazing job with landscaping and makes the campus look gorgeous! Today might be the prettiest day of the year so far so I decided to go for a run(running in pretty weather makes me forget about how I feel like I'm gonna die! haha). After my run, which didn't last long, I still wanted to play outside so I walked around the campus for another hour and a half and while I was walking I had some random, yet brilliant thoughts...
The first thought I had was, how come people leave such cool things laying around? I found 3 golf balls, 1 tennis ball, a CD, a key chain and a frisbee...pretty awesome stuff?!? My second thought was that I love Cullowhee when there arn't tons of people here. Right now we are on spring break and most people are at home so Western looks kind-of like a ghost town but it's really cool because there are no crazy drunk kids running around all the time. Another thing I love about being one of the only people at school is it's really quiet and peaceful, I can go anywhere on campus and I'm able to think or pray and I get to spend time with the Lord and not have other people around me! It's pretty ballin!
As I was sitting beside the river I had my third thought, God makes amazing things and he allows me to be a part of them! Even though this was something that I already knew, it's something that I really take for granted! But I was absolutely captivated by that thought today and really astounded with how great God is. I heard a sermon last weekend and the phrase "Don't forget about Jesus this week" was said a couple times and it stuck with me. I think because we cant fully understand the magnitude of what Christ did we go throughout the week before Easter and we just live it out like it's any other week, when in actuality, it's so far from 'just any other week'! It's been really cool that I've been able to see that and really enjoy the Lord and the things he's created! This is one of the pictures I took of the river today...

The last thought I had made me laugh and apparently made other people laugh as well...I came to the conclusion that I want to be a hippie! Random, I know but I really do! I want dreads so bad, and you might be thinking 'Eww, gross' but they are not gross unless you don't take care of them and I plan on taking care of them! The only thing holding me back is the fact that I would have to shave my head to get them out and I don't think that look would be best for me, haha. I also have the desire to travel around for a year, I would love to hitch hike everywhere but that could get kind-of dangerous. It would be so great to just pick up and go whenever you want. Of course, I would need a sidekick because all great adventures start with partners...Batman and Robin, Mickey and Minnie, Bert and Ernie, Jack and Jill, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Bill and Hillary, Mario and Luigi, Thelma and Louise, the list could go on for days! So I guess I need to find a partner in crime before I can become a real hippie! If any of those thoughts strike your interest just let me know! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo you should ask Paige about our plan we made for sometime after we had both graduated. We decided we were going to travel and write. We were going to stay with different missionaries we knew in different countries. Just saying, pretty sure you would have two friends down for traveling with you!! haha
