Friday, September 24, 2010

The Darkness

"The Darkness"-S.t.L.

What goes on in the darkness, in the spot-light your an artist/ in day light at the job workin' your hardest/ when the lights on spread seed for the harvest/ but when the lights off spill seed on the carpet// righteousness like a light switch/ flip it on and off when you wish, livin' life as a hypocrite/ a great actor a fake wit a mask/ your ashamed of the fact your a slave to you master// it was subtle how you lust crept in/ started in your head, spreadin' through your bread like leaven/ age eleven exposure/ spark somethin' dark in your heart burned 'til you got older// you were born again, it was smolderin'/ zealous young buck, throwin' out stuff, you were bolder then/ the church criticized, said “you’re too holy” then/ you began to compromise, heads started noticin'// things changed but, heart didn't change much/ fan to the flame, lust ran through your brain much/ you messed up on occasion/ makin' sure, it's at least a week before, you were on stage again/ you leave time for repentance/ sometimes you might even mean it 'cause your sins ain't consistent/ but, you can't lie it's the Most High you rebel against/ sinnin' wisely, hidin' all your evidence//

You can't hide in the darkness/ God sees all actions and intents of the heart it's/ gonna come to the light/ so repent, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might//x2

I know another cat like you, you might know him too/ matter of fact yo, his stories in the bible/ ever read about Samson/ Nazarite since birth, crushed anything he laid hands on// He had an issue with sin too/ it crept in slowly, most didn't notice what he went through/ they get the story all twisted/ compromise started way before Delilah, most of y'all missed it// it begins in the vineyard/ rule number one for the Nazarite: no wine or vinegar/ even the grapes are off limits/ eatin' anything from the vine was a breach in the commitment// he never should've got close but/ now he's put to the test when a young lion approaches/ the Spirit of the Lord fell on him like an adrenaline rush/ literally rippin' the lion up// later on he returned to the scene/ rule number three, all dead bodies are unclean/ can't touch 'em, I don't care how much you loved them/ if it's carcass you must regard it disgusting// but it's not so with Samson/ he found bees and honey in the dead lion and stuck his hands in/ then he shared with his parents/ sin seems sweet when it's secret so please be aware men//

You got a lot in common with Samson/ hope it ends there though, his story has a bad end/ though God did much with him, he was still lust driven/ had a thing for revenge plus women// After about a thousand and thirty dead Philistines/ he finds the woman of his dreams/ but she was schemin'/ bribed by her Philistine people, offerin' a whole lot of cream and// before I get to the point it should've hit you when I was going through the rules earlier I skipped [#] two/ here it is though, never bring a razor to your head bro/ Nazarites gotta let their hair grow// she enticed him, he told her/ she sent for the lords of the Philistines so they came over/ while he slept she shaved him/ no longer Nazarite, Lord's gone, no one to save him// they put his eyes out blindin' him/ fetters of brass binding him, and now he's grindin' in prison/ the pagans want to play wit' 'em/ so they sent him to the house of Dagon, but Samson is prayin'// the Lord avenges him, pushes out the pillars in the buildin'/ three thousand dead men and women/ but he went with them, like I said it's a bad endin'/ so how you gonna finish yours, Christian//

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