Sunday, September 19, 2010

One of those things

I always get this strange feeling when I can see the moon and the sun at the same time during the day. I feel like the moon is upset because he thinks the sun gets more attention than he does. I mean, it would make sense; more people are outside during the day time and everything can be seen clearly when the sun is shining. Honestly, I think the real problem is that the moon might be tired of his emo rep...for the most part people are more likely to be scared at night time because it's dark, you can't see a whole lot and it's really easy for objects to hide. For example-how many people would walk alone on a trail at night and how many people would walk alone during the day time? I might be wrong but I think more people would feel better about walking along the trail during the day. See, what the moon doesn't realize is that the sun doesn't always have the best rep either...hello; heat exhaustion, sun burn, skin cancer, dehydration, premature wrinkling, cataracts, liver spots, the list goes on and on! These are things that I don't think the sun likes being associated with but he doesn't complain. The moon is forgetting about the amazing things associated with the night. It's always cooler at night and on scorching hot summer days it's makes for a wonderful change. He also forgets about the fact that lots of people go on dates at night time and most girls I've met think that moonlit walks are the most romantic thing ever. The last huge thing that the moon forgets about are his boys, the stars. They are magnificent with all their different shapes and clusters. I LOVE LOOKING AT STARS!!! At Western there is a place where I would go lay sometimes to look at the sky because I could see tons of stars and it always made my heart so happy when I would go there! I hope the moon realizes that, even though the grass looks greener on the other side, it isn't and although it seems like his bad qualities have shadowed all of the good ones, he still has plenty of amazing qualities that people love about him and that he is extremely important. His job, no matter how he might feel, is very important, because the world just wouldn't be the same without him!


  1. You're such a dork. I feel like you can read into this is more than one way.

  2. read into it however you want haha
