Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Found Wanted

God doesn't need us. God wants us.-I've thought about that a lot lately and so this post will pretty much be all of my random thoughts written down (or typed out :)).

God is all-knowing, almighty, all-powerful and all loving, compared to those qualities, we are lame and ignorant. So I started wondering what if God did need something from someone, even if it was just one time, what would happen...would God still be all of the other 3 qualities? Would God still be considered almighty? Would God still be God?

If God were to ever need us for anything then he wouldn't be any of the things that the bible says he is and this is why...First, if God needed me then he obviously wouldn't be almighty or all-powerful because he wouldn't be able to handle every situation on his own. Second, for God to need me would mean that he wasn't all-knowing because whenever people need help it's because they can't control the situation or handle the situation on their own which, most of the time, means that they don't fully understand the situation or were not aware of how the situation would play out. Third, if God needed me then the concept of real love would be lost. Most of the time we need someone before we like or want to be around them. For example: We need other people, we were created for community so we instinctively make friends. If you think about your friends, you probably like them now and want to be around them (if you don't you might need to look up the definition of friendship) but your need for friendship was felt way before you wanted the specific friends that you now have. Another example would be food. We need food to survive but there are certain foods that we really like and really want but even if we eat foods that we don't want we can still survive but if we don't eat at all there is a 100% chance that we will die (proven statistic). So for God to need me would mean that he didn't love me first and it wouldn't take long for me, or other people for that matter, to start thinking things like "God just uses people, he doesn't really love them."

The last thing that I thought shocked me at first but if God were to need us in any way, even if he was still really powerful and really smart, he would be on the same level as Satan. That would mean that this life is the best we have because everything written in the Bible would be false and Christianity would be false. We would be hopeless, miserable people.

Praise God that he never and will never need me or anyone else. I need him and because I need him, I love him (1 John 4:19). My need for him comes from him so that I am able to love him. To know that you are wanted means so much more than to be needed! I have to stop getting it twisted, it's not the supremacy of man, it's the supremacy of God because God is the only one worthy of it!


  1. Love a good intellectual essay that pulls on the heartstrings as well :) ha

  2. hahaha you would say something like that!
